Young women’s circles are fun, relaxed and informative gatherings all about empowering us to tap into our body’s wisdom and nurture a deeper connection with our inner self. Through these circles, we can embrace our natural confidence and learn to fully accept ourselves. It’s like having a safe haven where we can truly be ourselves, free from any judgment.
Our circles are not just about individual growth; they’re also about fostering a sense of community and sisterhood. We share experiences, insights, and laughter, creating bonds that extend beyond the circle itself. It’s a supportive environment where we uplift and empower each other, celebrating our collective journey towards self-discovery and self-love.
Authentic Friendships
I’s a common thing for girls or women to feel like we’re constantly being measured up against each other in our friendship groups. We may end up feeling pressured to act or look a certain way just to fit in and feel accepted.
But in a girls circle space none of that matters – you are accepted exactly as you are. That’s what a safe space does for us. It lets us see past the surface stuff and appreciate each other for who we truly are, quirks and all. And when we embrace our true self, amazing friendships can blossom, filled with laughter and support.

Exploring the Menstrual Cycle
In school they teach us the technical side of biology, but when it comes to the menstrual cycle, there’s so much more to it than just that! The menstrual cycle can be an amazing link between our bodies and emotions, and it can teach us so much about accepting ourselves and being more aware of our bodies.
In our sessions, we dive deep into the menstrual cycle, exploring how it’s connected to the changing seasons, the different stages of a woman’s life, and even the phases of the moon.
We also take a look at the history of menstruation and how it’s viewed in various cultures around the world – it’s pretty fascinating stuff!
We’ll chat about the different menstrual products out there and how to use them, plus we’ll introduce the idea of keeping a menstrual diary to track your own cycle.
This program isn’t just for those who’ve already started their periods – it’s also super helpful for those who haven’t yet, getting them prepared and feeling supported every step of the way.

Body Image
In this part, we’re shining a light on what beauty really means and where all those ideas about it come from.
We’ll dive into the beauty industry and how media can warp images in ads to create certain ideals of beauty. And let’s not forget about how some cosmetic treatments can alter a natural face or body, influencing what society sees as beautiful.
Plus, we’ll explore how bodies come in all shapes and sizes, and how the concept of beauty has evolved across different cultures and throughout history.
Through fun activities, meditations, and group chats, we’re gonna unpack these beauty standards to find out what beauty truly is. It’s all about reclaiming our bodies and finding real confidence, joy, power, and pleasure along the way.

On our journey together, we’re going to dive into the full spectrum of emotions through some activities and group exercises. We’ll use mindfulness, art, discussions, and even role-playing to help us understand, manage, and embrace our feelings.
We’ll also explore how we sometimes try to avoid certain emotions and learn about projections between people. It’s all about understanding ourselves and each other better.
Through awareness and grounding techniques, we’ll learn to be a safe container for our emotions, treating ourselves with kindness and building resilience for whatever life throws our way.
And if you feel like you need extra support, there’s always the option to work with a professional counselor, especially if you’re dealing with deeper issues or trauma.

Meditation Practices
In every circle, we’re all about bringing mindfulness and body-centered practices into play. It’s all about keeping it simple and getting back to the present moment, whether it’s through focusing on our breath, tuning into sounds, feeling sensations in our bodies, or just relaxing as we are.
We mix it up with creative meditations that tackle different themes like connecting with our womb, tapping into our energy, awakening our senses, doing mirror work, art exercises, and diving into breathwork. These practices gently remind us to stay present and grounded in the moment.
Meditation holds a special place in our circles as a powerful tool for self-discovery and empowerment. Through guided meditations, we explore our inner landscapes, confront limiting beliefs, and cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves. It’s a journey of inner exploration and transformation, where we learn to harness the power of presence to create positive change in our lives.

Throughout our journey together, we emphasize the importance of trusting our gut feelings and relying on our own inner wisdom.
Think about it: If you’re doing something just to please someone else, even though deep down you know it’s not right for you, how do you think that’ll affect you in the long run? How will it impact your body?
We’re all about empowering you to trust yourself, to listen to your instincts, and to speak up for what you believe in. It’s all connected to setting clear boundaries – boundaries that are rooted in self-love, self-respect, trust, and feeling safe.
Through group activities like role-playing and conscious touch exercises, we’ll explore personal boundaries so you can really feel what’s a “yes,” what’s a “no,” and what’s a “maybe.” And most importantly, we’ll learn how to express those boundaries authentically.

Self-love and pleasure
(This theme is completely adapted depending on the age of the group.)
Instead of jumping right into a session about sex and relationships, we start off by delving into the most important relationship of all: the one we have with ourselves.
That’s the solid foundation we need before we can even think about having a healthy relationship with someone else.
Our experience of pleasure is a big part of education that often gets brushed aside. But how can we expect to have awesome, fulfilling experiences later on if we don’t even know what makes us feel good? We can explore each of our five senses with fun, lighthearted sensory practices adapted for younger girls as well as older teens.
It’s all about getting to know their bodies better and practicing connecting to their body with care, connection and love.
For the older teens (14+) learning about male anatomy and arousal and anatomy of female and arousal can (if asked for or agreed with caregivers) be included, to provide further education on reproductive health and pleasure. This knowledge empowers girls to understand their bodies, cultivate self-awareness, clear boundaries, and make informed decisions about their health and relationships.
Through fun and informative practices, and group discussions, we’re creating a safe and empowering space for our girls to explore these themes – both with themselves and with the world around them.
And with self-love as a foundation, as we step into adulthood and start exploring intimacy with others, we are more likely to attract loving, respectful relationships that honour exactly who we are.

Art exploration
During the journey, art becomes a powerful tool for exploring and expressing our inner journey. Every session is a different art exploration specific to that theme. Through drawing, painting, collage, or clay, we can visually represent our inner experiences. One example may be using images of goddesses from diverse religions and cultures around the world, we draw inspiration from their symbolic qualities to connect with various aspects of ourselves. This artistic exploration encourages self-expression and reflection while helping to navigate and transform the inner critic. Embracing creativity allows us to break through self-doubt and gain deeper insights into our inner world.

Exploring the Menstrual Cycle
In school they teach us the technical side of biology, but when it comes to the menstrual cycle, there’s so much more to it than just that! The menstrual cycle can be this amazing link between our bodies and emotions, and it can teach us a lot about accepting ourselves and being more aware of our bodies.
In our sessions, we dive deep into the menstrual cycle, exploring how it’s connected to the changing seasons, the different stages of a woman’s life, and even the phases of the moon.
We also take a look at the history of menstruation and how it’s viewed in various cultures around the world – it’s pretty fascinating stuff!
We’ll chat about the different menstrual products out there and how to use them, plus we’ll introduce the idea of keeping a menstrual diary to track your own cycle.
This program isn’t just for those who’ve already started their periods – it’s also super helpful for those who haven’t yet, getting them prepared and feeling supported every step of the way.
Body Image
In this part, we’re shining a light on what beauty really means and where all those ideas about it come from.
We’ll dive into the beauty industry and how media can warp images in ads to create certain ideals of beauty. And let’s not forget about how some cosmetic treatments can alter a natural face or body, influencing what society sees as beautiful.
Plus, we’ll explore how bodies come in all shapes and sizes, and how the concept of beauty has evolved across different cultures and throughout history.
Through fun activities, meditations, and group chats, we’re gonna unpack these beauty standards to find out what beauty truly is. It’s all about reclaiming our bodies and finding real confidence, joy, power, and pleasure along the way.

On our journey together, we’re going to dive into the full spectrum of emotions through some activities and group exercises. We’ll use mindfulness, art, discussions, and even role-playing to help us understand, manage, and embrace our feelings.
We’ll also explore how we sometimes try to avoid certain emotions and learn about projections between people. It’s all about understanding ourselves and each other better.
Through awareness and grounding techniques, we’ll learn to be a safe container for our emotions, treating ourselves with kindness and building resilience for whatever life throws our way.
And if you feel like you need extra support, there’s always the option to work with a professional counselor, especially if you’re dealing with deeper issues or trauma.
Meditation Practices
In every circle, we’re all about bringing mindfulness and body-centered practices into play. It’s all about keeping it simple and getting back to the present moment, whether it’s through focusing on our breath, tuning into sounds, feeling sensations in our bodies, or just relaxing as we are.
We mix it up with creative meditations that tackle different themes like connecting with our womb, tapping into our energy, awakening our senses, doing mirror work, art exercises, and diving into breathwork. These practices gently remind us to stay present and grounded in the moment.
Meditation holds a special place in our circles as a powerful tool for self-discovery and empowerment. Through guided meditations, we explore our inner landscapes, confront limiting beliefs, and cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves. It’s a journey of inner exploration and transformation, where we learn to harness the power of presence to create positive change in our lives.

Throughout our journey together, we emphasize the importance of trusting our gut feelings and relying on our own inner wisdom.
Think about it: If you’re doing something just to please someone else, even though deep down you know it’s not right for you, how do you think that’ll affect you in the long run? How will it impact your body?
We’re all about empowering you to trust yourself, to listen to your instincts, and to speak up for what you believe in. It’s all connected to setting clear boundaries – boundaries that are rooted in self-love, self-respect, trust, and feeling safe.
Through group activities like role-playing and conscious touch exercises, we’ll explore personal boundaries so you can really feel what’s a “yes,” what’s a “no,” and what’s a “maybe.” And most importantly, we’ll learn how to express those boundaries authentically.
Self-love and pleasure
(This theme is completely adapted depending on the age of the group.)
Instead of jumping right into a session about sex and relationships, we start off by delving into the most important relationship of all: the one we have with ourselves.
That’s the solid foundation we need before we can even think about having a healthy relationship with someone else.
And pleasure is a big part of sex education that often gets brushed aside. But how can we expect to have awesome, fulfilling experiences later on if we don’t even know what makes us feel good?
We’re going to break down the concept of “pleasure” by exploring each of our five senses with fun, lighthearted sensory meditations.
For the older girls, they might get a little body connection homework to do in their own cozy space at home. It’s all about getting to know their bodies better and practicing connecting to our body with care, connection and love.
Learning about male anatomy arousal and anatomy of female arousal is included to provide further education on reproductive health and pleasure. This knowledge empowers girls to understand their bodies, cultivate self-awareness, and make informed decisions about their health and relationships.
Through these practices, meditations, and group chats, we’re creating a safe and empowering space for our girls to explore these themes – both with themselves and with the world around them.
And with self-love as a foundation, as we step into adulthood and start exploring intimacy with others, we are more likely to attract loving, respectful relationships that honour exactly who we are.

Art exploration

During the journey, art becomes a powerful tool for exploring and expressing our inner journey. Every session is a different art exploration specific to that theme. hrough drawing, painting, collage, or clay, we can visually represent our inner experiences.
By using images of goddesses from diverse religions and cultures, we draw inspiration from their symbolic qualities to connect with various aspects of ourselves.
This artistic exploration encourages self-expression and reflection while helping to navigate and transform the inner critic. Embracing creativity allows us to break through self-doubt and gain deeper insights into our inner world.